Bramayugam, a gripping Malayalam horror thriller directed by Rahul Sadasivan, unfolds in mesmerizing black-and-white cinematography. Starring Mammootty alongside a talented ensemble, the film promises an immersive cinematic journey. Discover the twists and turns as Bramayugam continues to captivate audiences while making waves at the box office.
Experience the spine-tingling world of Bramayugam with its enthralling black-and-white visuals and captivating storyline. Directed by Rahul Sadasivan and featuring Mammootty in a haunting portrayal this Malayalam horror thriller promises a cinematic journey like never before. Stay updated on the box office collections and thrilling updates as Bramayugam continues to captivate audiences worldwide
Experience the spine-chilling journey of Bramayugam, a black-and-white Malayalam horror thriller directed by Rahul Sadasivan. Starring Mammootty, the film promises an enthralling cinematic experience. Follow the box office predictions and updates on this gripping tale of horror and suspense.
Bramayugam: A spine-chilling Malayalam horror thriller directed by Rahul Sadasivan. Featuring Mammootty in a haunting black-and-white portrayal, the film promises an enthralling cinematic experience. Follow for updates on its box office collection and predictions.