Cryptocurrency in Celsius’ Earn Accounts belongs to bankruptcy estate, not depositors who placed it there, according to January 4 opinion from Judge Martin Glenn of U.S. Bankruptcy Court in the SDNY. Decision is blow to individual customers who deposited crypto assets there.
Cryptocurrency in Celsius’ Earn Accounts belongs to the bankruptcy estate, and not to the depositors who placed it there, according to a January 4 memorandum opinion from Judge Martin.
As Celsius Network LLC, et al. proceeds in Bankruptcy Court for Southern District of New York, recent case updates relating to the approaching claims bar date: last date to file a proof of claim in the Celsius bankruptcy case is January 3, 2023, at 5:00 p.m. Eastern Time
In the past six months, four major players in the crypto space have filed for chapter 11 bankruptcy protection: Celsius Network, Voyager Digital, FTX, and BlockFi, and more may be forthcoming.