Living Cell Technologies Limited (ASX:LCT – Get Rating) insider Carolyn Sue purchased 10,000,000 shares of the stock in a transaction dated Monday, June 6th. The shares were acquired at an average price of A$0.01 ($0.01) per share, with a total value of A$70,000.00 ($50,359.71). The company has a debt-to-equity ratio of 10.03, a current ratio […]
Living Cell Technologies Limited (ASX:LCT – Get Rating) insider Robert Willcocks bought 10,000,000 shares of Living Cell Technologies stock in a transaction dated Friday, June 3rd. The shares were acquired at an average cost of A$0.01 ($0.01) per share, with a total value of A$70,000.00 ($50,359.71). The company has a current ratio of 11.80, a […]