people, not himself. when you look at the information we re getting about meetings with indian businessmen who want to do more business, the idea that the hotel he has is basically pushing foreign dignitaries to stay at his hotel, give the hotel money in order to curry favor with him. that is listen he does not seem to want to divest. i think he has to realize he has been benefitted from the cell phone revolution. he responded. a friend of mine says, the cell phones, five years ago they were a portable x-ray machine. now they re a portable mri machine. they can see everywhere. they can tell the world what they see without an editor, a lawyer or filter. that can work for you and it can really work against you. i m going to end this. this is why everybody will buy his book.
anathema to the promises that he has made. he does not seem to want to divest. i think he has to realize he has been benefitted from the cell phone revolution. he responded. a friend of mine says, the cell phones, five years ago they were a portable x-ray machine. now they re a portable mri machine. they can see everywhere. they can tell the world what they see without an editor, a libel lawyer or a filter, a and that can really work for you or against you. i m going to end this. this is why everybody will buy his book. note to public officials, don t tweet. i don t know. i think it s good. we re learning about who people are. let s pause the conversation here. when we come back, we will hear from some of those white blue collar voters who abandoned hillary clinton for donald trump. what do they expect from their new president? plus, quite a few of them were bernie sanders voters. i will talk to senator sanders about how he thinks democrats should respond. stay with us.
that gave out very sensitive information that insighted many people that said that religious institutes were getting lots of money from the upcoming government budget. at the same time, the first protest that kicked off this wildfire that spread across the country was according to many initiated by hard liners. there s a lot going on inside the establishment. it does strike me that it s fascinating that what seems to have fueled this as you say were r revealing how much money the military, hard liners, religious foundations were getting and of course, the cell phone revolution, where you have 48 million smartphones in iran. also something he pushed for faster internet speed. so you have the two things that were caused by openness rather than closeness.