you heard chairman nadler talking about impeachment and you ve been in favor of impreaching president trump since you were inaugurated, why do you think democrats are not with you and you are in the minority in that. i know my district is rooted in how they thinking and feeling in regards to a lawless president, especially one that hasn t divested his businesses and what they call here is upgraded version of pay to play. if you want to do business with the federal government, go stay at the d.c. hotel in the trump hotel in d.c. that is alarming to residents who don t want corruption. right. it is something that we fight against all of the time even on different levels of government here. and they don t want to see people being able to pay into mergers that he just approved that hurt working families, increase cell phone bills when he allowed the merger of t-mobile and sprint and i tell people all of the time, t-mobile spent over $200,000 alone at the d.c. trump hotel.
has gotten big fat goose eggs in his paycheck. she s also the secretary of the coast guard spouse s club. thank you for being with et had. we re grateful for your husband s service. thank you for your support and thank you for having me on. your husband at moment, this country isn t serving him. he s not getting paid. you tell me day-to-day with you and your kids including your 4-month-old, how is this affecting you guys? so day-to-day, we rely on that paycheck. we have bills to pay, car payments, luckily we live in coast guard housing that s provided for us, but cell phone bills, preschool, we don t want them to suffer. and because we are not receiving a paycheck, they possibly could be. with the coast guard, you re constantly being asked to move
they want to tax your fingers. sandra: how many people actually look at the details of their cell phone bills? how many people would probably feel that the cost of it was going up? phone companies are nervous about this. what is not included the i-message for apple, whatsapp and facebook messenger. what are you going to do? if you get taxed and look at your bill you ll use whatsapp? bill: it is just like california to do that. sandra: the dow is up 68 points this week. feels like things are looking better. bill: interesting you say that. i m talking about the stock and goes to neutral. it made a double digit move. also number of stocks hitting new lows improving in the last five days. we feel like we re bottoming. it s jittery but feels like we re bottoming. bill: 12 minutes before the hour now. sandra: search for a missing colorado mom three weeks old as
flip saying quote, there s nothing for him to flip over. joining me here on set is legal analyst danny cevallos. good to see you. a lot to talk to you and it s only 5:00 a.m. talk to me about what we learned yesterday. initially it was being reported that the phones had been tapped and the story shifted to they were being monitored. talk to me about the differences in this and what took yesterday with regard to reporting on this story. it s easy to mix these things up. you have a spectrum of different kinds of searches when it comes to electronic devices. on the lowest end are the pen register and the trap and trace. the pen register records what s coming in in terms of phone calls and the trap and trace i m sorry i have that backwards. pen register records what s going out and the trap and trace traps the calls coming in but all it does is record the phone numbers and that kind of information. it s as looking if you were seeing the cell phone bills.
blockbuster cell phone carriers now becoming one, what the multidollar merger means for our cell phone bills and president trump blasting michelle wolf calling white house correspondent act an embarrassment. and i m never really sure what to call sarah huckabee sanders, what s uncle tom but for white women who disappoint ore white women. heather: foul moit performance falling flat and comments are pouring in. we will share them.