/PRNewswire/ Generate Life Sciences (Generate) today announced that it has acquired the Cell Care international cord blood banking group (Cell Care), which.
Umbilical cord blood banking: Should I do it for my baby?
15 May, 2021 05:00 PM
17 minutes to read
Simone Anderson, Laura McGoldrick and Megan Papas.
Umbilical cord blood banking is appearing on social media feeds now pregnant influencers are promoting it - and it has rubbed some experts up the wrong way. Alanah Eriksen asks if the costly practice is worth doing?
The pregnant influencer looks down at the product, her husband cradling her burgeoning belly.
Clad in crisp white pants with immaculate makeup and slicked back hair, she holds a small white box. Inside it, a kit to collect precious blood from her unborn child s umbilical cord.
CMOpinion: consumer reform turns 10 – a story about “long johns”
In her regular Mumbrella column, 8-Star Energy CMO Diana Di Cecco reminisces about interesting cases, marketing learnings, and how it traces back to itchy undergarments.
April 15, 2021 9:47
Earlier this year, the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (CCA) turned ten. Traditionally, a ten-year anniversary is marked with tin to represent durability and flexibility; features the CCA’s reform provided via significant transformation
Back in 2011, the CCA was renamed from the Trade Practices Act 1974 and introduced the Australian Consumer Law (ACL). At a recent webinar held by the Monash University National Commercial Law Seminar, Australian Competition and Consumer (ACCC) Chair, Rod Sims, described the ACL’s establishment as a “game changer” that enabled regulators to unite on consumer issues in ways not previously embraced. In particular, Sims highlighted the introduction of “civil