information in hong kong, press on the internet not even imprint? there are still independent the internet not even imprint? there are still independent medias - the internet not even imprint? ttee are still independent medias in hong kong right now but apple daily no doubt is one of the most influential pro democracy newspapers in the city and its never considered a golden standard ofjournalism in hong kong at first, it was considered an infamous tabloid, famous for its paparazzi tactics and lots of celebrity gossips. but as the political situation in hong kong advanced, the paper had a rise and fall and is now towards more political stories and was forced to shut its doors and apple daily is reflecting the changes happening in hong kong right now from a financial culture hub to the city grasping for air under political oppression. iloathed air under political oppression. what kind of reaction air under political oppression. what kind of reaction do air under political oppressio