As Actors Theatre of Indiana looks to the opening of the World Premiere of Mr. Confidential, the company has announced that this musical - a giddy, vibrant tale set in New York and Hollywood at their most glamourous and dangerous – is so well represented by artists who have actually experienced the glitz and drama while they themselves lived in these cities!
usually british wedding kate is a dense fruitcake with a thick white icing. the couple will stick to the classics according to the celebrity baker who will be making the cake. cake will be traditional, but with a modern twist. sugar flowers. we can speculate all we want but we won t know about the bouquet the dress, very many particulars, until kate arrives at the abbey on the day. martha: with us royal wedding special correspondent joan loud den. well joan lunden. welcome. i can t believe it was 30 years since i covered the wedding of diana. did anybody have any inkling of what was unfolding behind the scenes? we really thought it was this love story. the world is very different now. we expect to know every detail of the life of everyone that
the day. usually british wedding kate is a dense fruitcake with a thick white icing. the couple will stick to the classics according to the celebrity baker who will be making the cake. cake will be traditional, but with a modern twist. sugar flowers. we can speculate all we want but we won t know about the bouquet the dress, very many particulars, until kate arrives at the abbey on the day. martha: with us royal wedding special correspondent joan loud den. well joan lunden. welcome. i can t believe it was 30 years since i covered the wedding of diana. did anybody have any inkling of what was unfolding behind the scenes? we really thought it was this love story. the world is very different now. we expect to know every detail