Source: Paras Griffin / Getty Marvin Sapp is taking a trip over to Chicago to record 16th album, live at Valley Kingdom Ministries next month! Marvin Sapp To Record 16th Album Live In Chicago "Chicago has always been a great market for me. It's been awhile since I've been there, so when I decided to record this album live, I thought it was the perfect time to return," he said in a social media post. "Live recordings are a unique experience because you get to feed off of the energy in the building. Sometimes a song will take on a life of its own because of how it shifts the atmosphere and how people respond to it. Recording live is very special and I'm excited about what will happen on May 31st." View this post on Instagram A post shared by Marvin Sapp (@marvinsapp) Recording albums live isn't something Sapp foreign to Sapp. In 2007, he recorded his recording-breaking album Thirsty, live, featuring one of his