suppliers. we drove away a little earlier, we saw 150 fresh troops headed toward the city. they haven t been able to use the greater numbers and greater firepower they have to take essentially to take control from what they described as about 100 or so rebels. and it seems ultimately they will win this battle. but why they were taking so long is a telling show of what s happening on the ground. that s how it looks from what we ve seen, anderson. david, it was relatively quiet in tripoli today, there was heavy gunfire before dawn yesterday. i want to play that for our viewers. [ gunfire ] the libyan government claiming with celebration gunfire. it seems odd to have a celebration at dawn.
what they described as about 100 or so rebels. and it seems ultimately they will win this battle. but why they were taking so long is a telling show of what s happening on the ground. that s how it looks from what we ve seen, anderson. david, it was relatively quiet in tripoli today, there was heavy gunfire before dawn yesterday. i want to play that for our viewers. [ gunfire ] the libyan government claiming with celebration gunfire. it seems odd to have a celebration at dawn. do we know what happened? it sure does seem odd, and no we don t. i feel confident saying the gunfire was over where colonel gadhafi keeps his compound.
tripoli is 100% under control claiming the gunfire is celebratory. muammar gaddafi is facing a two week old rebellion. eye witnesses saying gunfire could be heard in the libyan capitol of tripoli. the government claiming it still has control of the capitol and that it s celebration gunfire. now back to judge tis with judge jean yeen . is terrifying where where he is leading us in terms of the mercy of foreign regimes. judge jeanine: your response is to i guess drill baby drill? it is. we have these god given resources and the manpower and ingenuity to be energy independent. above our arctic circle we have 90 billion barrels of technically recoverable oil.