The State Showcase, a new program to honor all 13 states that comprise the Central States Numismatic Society ( region, will be launched at the 2024 CSNS annual convention, May 2-4 (, in the Chicago suburb of Schaumburg, Illinois. "Iowa will be the first state recognized. We'll be giving away mint condition 2004 Iowa state
The State Showcase, a new program to honor all 13 states that comprise the Central States Numismatic Society ( region, will be launched at the 2024 CSNS annual convention, May 2-4 (, in the Chicago suburb of Schaumburg, Illinois. "Iowa will be the first state recognized. We'll be giving away mint condition 2004 Iowa state
Iowa City Press-Citizen
And so cancelations have turned into transformations, including in the case of the Iowa Department of Cultural Affairs 2020 virtual gala. It s really been an opportunity to showcase Iowa s history, art, culture and media in a way that really (showcases) people from across the state, Chris Kramer, director of the Iowa Department of Cultural Affairs, told the Iowa City Press-Citizen. We ve always made it uniquely Iowan.
Though varied in form, this year s event is no different in function as the state transitions into its 175th anniversary of statehood.
Starting at 6 p.m. Friday, with a VIP reception on its website followed by events proper beginning at 7 p.m., the Department of Cultural Affairs will be hosting its ninth annual Celebrate Iowa gala.