Easter Verzuz Trended Number 1 on Twitter Throughout the Event and Included a Surprise Appearance by Living Legend Stevie Wonder Triller, which recently.
coverage of whitney houston, her life, her music and her coverage. we re reporting live. today is the day as the baptists like to say whitney houston will be sent home. it s a private funeral for her family members and her friends, invitation only. the streets around that church have been closed down, but today it will be filled with mourners who are here to pay their last respects for a woman who had an amazing voice and an amazing life, and died way too early at 48 years old. piers? it s a beautiful sunny day in new jersey on the streets where whitney houston first grew up. it s an extraordinary cast. the funeral will open up with the new hope mass choir, new jersey mass choir singing the lord is my shepherd, then scripture read by pastor joe carter. a solo by donnie mcclurkin. and remarks from tyler perry. and a solo by bebe winans and a solo by come burrell. remarks from kevin costner. we haven t heard from him yet. it will be fascinating to hear what he said. a solo