New Tax Structure By Sanath Nanayakkare A new tax policy is a timely need for Sri Lanka, but the government should be careful not to throw the baby out with the bath water, because then, the cure would be worse than the disease, Chaminda Wanigaratne – Director Automotive at Ideal Motors (Pvt) Ltd. told The […]
Thursday 17th February, 2022 India has thrown a lifeline to the Ceylon Petroleum Corporation (CPC), which is struggling to maintain an uninterrupted supply of diesel. It has made available 40,000 MT of diesel, according to a news item in this newspaper yesterday. Besides, India has provided as many as 100,000 Rapid Antigen Test kits to […]
Wednesday 16th February, 2022 It may be wrong to say the incumbent government is the embodiment of inefficiency, for it does certain things very efficiently, increasing taxes and fuel prices being one of them. It also sought to impose a huge surcharge tax on the employees’ superannuation fund, and would have succeeded in its endeavour […]
The Prorogation Message Events fast changing keep boggling our minds making it difficult to establish their continuity. Each new scene is staged by the same players wearing different masks, and our vision gets encumbered with illusions confusing us again and again. Caravan moves on unimpeded, while we attempt to keep pace and contemporaneous with our […]