connected people. we are bringing arizona back. the comeback has started. in november, we will complete the mission that we are on. dan brewer is a fighter and the people of arizona are not quitters. together we will make a difference. jan brewer is a fighter. that of course was arizona s republican governor, jan brewer speaking in the third person there. while attempting to secure four more years as arizona s governor. jim brewer is now very much a household name in american politics mainly due to this moment. the moment when she put her signature, put pen to paper to sign arizona s draconian papers please immigration leg. but sb 1070 hasn t just attracted national scrutiny for this previously little known governor. it has also attracted lots of questions in arizona. last month you may recall, we told but some great reporting from the local cbs affiliate in phoenix, air air. kpho revealed that two of
advertise on the cbs affiliate in the largest city in the state. a network that has been doggedly investigating her connections to the private prison industry for months now. now again, kpho is a cbs affiliate. we hear at msnbc and our connections to nbc, we have no stake in their financial future whatsoever. in fact on the contrary. regardless, this is been which station is whose. this is been whench net work is which. this is about political retaliation against journalism. this is news. we called the folk who run governor brewer s campaign tonight. her campaign is run by a company call highground public affairs which as luck would have it, lobbies for the corrections corporation of america. we spoke with jan brewer s campaign manager, chuck could have lynn. one of governor brewer s visors. and he will us tonight, explicitly, that the brewer campaign had advertised with kpho in the past but they
decided to stop doing so as a result of the quote credibility of the journalism on that network. asked if that was a reference to the investigative journalism that has been done on that network about jan brewer, mr. could have lynn acknowledged that it was. to be clear, jan brewer s campaign inform us in no uncertain terms that they advertise on the other two net fwhorks phoenix but they decided to stop advertising on the cbs station because of them investigating governor brewer. that comes directly from governor brewer s campaign. asked specifically if governor brewer herself was involved in that decision, in the decision to stop advertising on kpho as retaliation for the their investigations into the governor, her campaign manager will us that miss brewer is clued into everything they do there. he told us, quoerkte, absolutel. it is her campaign. in addition to ending its advertisements in retaliation for that company s journalism, the company that runs her
that it was. to be clear, jan brewer s campaign inform us in no uncertain terms that they advertise on the other two net fwhorks phoenix but they decided to stop advertising on the cbs station because of them investigating governor brewer. that comes directly from governor brewer s campaign. asked specifically if governor brewer herself was involved in that decision, in the decision to stop advertising on kpho as retaliation for the their investigations into the governor, her campaign manager will us that miss brewer is clued into everything they do there. he told us, quote, absolutely. it is her campaign. in addition to ending its advertisements in retaliation for that company s journalism, the company that runs her campaign directed to us a blog post on the highground website. a blowingpost that specifically targets kpho s investigative reporter, morgan low. it refers to her as maniacal and