check him out on news max television. troop-a-thon raise money for the troops 10 to 4 eastern. steve: arkansas community rattled after a man drives car into 10 commandsments plummet hours after it was unveiled. the man to replace it coming up. monday. can we at least analyze customer traffic? can we push the offer online? brian, i just had a quick question. brian? brian. legacy technology can handcuff any company. but yes is here. you re saying the new app will go live monday?! yeah. with help from hpe, we can finally work the way we want to. with the right mix of hybrid it, everything computes. but with my back pain i couldn t sleep or get up in time. then i found aleve pm. the only one to combine a safe sleep aid plus the 12 hour pain relieving strength of aleve. and now. i m back! aleve pm for a better am.
that actually was the least nutty thing cnn has done in the last few weeks. it s the nearest thing to real news. brian: if you want to follow the russia story. the real story how severe the access and the cyber attack was on our election system and how the administration, previous administration should have been a lot tougher. and how this administration, i hope, will sign off on the tough sanctions that could be coming russia s way. ainsley: elmo story is just cracking me up. they used elmo. steve: cnn has turned elmo into a propaganda tool. brian: against elmo s will. steve: let us know what you think about that. fox about jillian: elmo was once so innocent. what has done with wrong. my daughter s favorite. brian: at one point he was behind this couch not anymore. ainsley: that was other one. that was the magician girl. she came to visit us.
when his son was shot and killed by an illegal. jamil shaw was at the president s meeting yesterday and he joins us live from our nation s cap toll. for folks that don t know about your son s story. tell us about your son and tell us what happened to him. yeah. on march the 2nd, 2008. we had went to a football clinic in pasadena. on the way home he asked if he could go to the mall. of course i didn t want to do it but i let him go. the day before he asked if he could go to a party. i said you can t go to party around here. i said you know why, right? he said i know, i might get shot. the next day he was dead. it drives me crazy because 10 years later and we did all the things right and for him to end up with a casket and then, you know, it s just so it just sucks. steve: who was person who killed your son? illegal alien 18th street gang member that was a so-called dreamer.
like i said to the president in our personal conversations i would like to serve him, like to serve the american people. the role of the job that i have is not as important to me as the overall mission. and so for me, the russian situation, i think, is a bunch of nonsense. i have said that i have said that on other networks. steve: ben jones said the same thing. he said it. steve: big nothing burger. that probably could be the news about the russian story. brian: what do you mean? i think it s a bunch of nonsense. i would like it to stop. certainly was nonsense related to me. it s probably nonsense related to others e and the big point about the whole thing is that the president has a great agenda for all the american people, democrats, republicans, race, color and creed doesn t matter. this president is going to do a phenomenal job for the american people. ainsley: what s your reaction to the way the mainstream media is covering the russian collusion and the way they are coverin
is a week that will live in infamy in the history of cnn and if anything it is getting worse by the day. i thought the whole thing was unfair. i had a couple conversations with senior staff at cnn. i made it very clear to them that the story was not accurate. once you start to lose your integrity and your reputation as a news organization, people start to get tone deaf. anyway you want it. that s the way you need it any way you want it ainsley: anything brian wants to do brian does. ainsley: he just sat there. brian: my ipad was talking back to me.