Nara Lokesh contemptuous comments about the court in several interviews on the final day of Yuva Galam padayatra. As a consequence, CID had filed a memo in the ACB court last month. The CID has sought a non-bailable warrant (NBW) to be issued to Lokesh, supported by evidence, in the petition. The court has ordered Lokesh to appear before them and provide an explanation either
Andhra Pradesh High Court grants interim bail to former Chief Minister Chandrababu Naidu in Skill development case, allowing him to walk out of Rajamundhry prison after 50 days.
Chandrababu Naidu Arrest Updates: On September 9th Chandrababu Naidu was arrested and shifted to Vijayawada. On the 10th of September Anti Corruption Bureau court sent CBN to 14 days of judicial custody