The Diapason’s sixth “20 Under 30” selections came from a large field of nominations. The nominees were evaluated based on information provided in the nominations; we selected only from those who had been nominated. We looked for evidence of such things as career advancement, technical skills, and creativity and innovation; we considered a nominee’s awards and competition prizes, publications and compositions, and significant positions in the mix.
On June 18, 2022, C. B. Fisk, Inc., celebrated the completion of Opus 164, for the Chapel of the Christ Child, Christ Church Christiana Hundred, Wilmington, DE.
Carole Terry is appointed visiting professor of organ for the Yale Institute of Sacred Music and Yale School of Music, New Haven, Connecticut, for the fall 2022 term. She will teach half the graduate majors in organ and lead the organ seminar along with related activities. Terry is professor of organ and harpsichord emerita at the University of Washington School of Music, Seattle, where she taught for forty years.
Yumiko Tatsuta is appointed lecturer of organ and university organist for Kwassui Women’s University, School of Music, Nagasaki, Japan. She is an internationally active performer and scholar who was the first Asian female to receive the doctoral degree in organ from the Jacobs School of Music, Indiana University, Bloomington, where she studied with Janette Fishell.