A lawful immigrant who is here, a green card holder, or a citizen or a approximate person who entered the country unlawfully. The right to work is one shared by everyone in this country regardless of how they came here. Certainly if someone is here regardless of status, i would prefer that they would be participating in the workplace than not participating in the workplace. Lou well take up the highly controversy stance with billionaire media mogul zuckerman will be joining us. The president refusing to meet with israels prime minister. But they have no problem hosting a delegation of the Muslim Brotherhood. The white house now has an unlikely ally. Aljazeera america. They dont like the phrase radical islamist anymore than mr. Obama. Aljazeera going further banning the word terrorist from their air. Well be taking that up. Former ambassador john bolton to weigh in on the politically correct word play and propaganda campaigns. Speaking of specious word play the white house claiming that
Spending enough and that 50 billion allocated is not enough for this president is a remarkable recognition of reality and the scope of the Terror Threat globally. To john cochran, who says that now it is a matter of spending the money wisely. Right now what is happening in the middle east and around the globe, especially with isis we have to put this vector in line and if we start to put in the special forces and the men and women to move forward on the ground, as should happen, its going to cost a lot more than 51 million. Neil many have criticized it. But why cant other countries pony up . When you look at the leadership of the administration and the budgeting act that they passed 2011, we go and this has repercussions on training and buying equipment and other things. Neil that was part of a grand budget agreement it would call for spending caps and proportionally hit the fence, be that as it may, i hope that he gets savings elsewhere. But he always we seize this threat. Tactically