Hobbyists are selected by the center to conduct demonstrations and talk to the public about military subjects ranging from the American Revolution to the war on terror. The theme this year was the 75th anniversary of dday. Next on american artifacts we visit an exhibit about world war ii soviet soldiers. My name is craig hall. I basically consider myself an amateur military historian. I do various impressions. And this impression here today is to represent the contribution of the soviet union as an ally of the americans and the british to helping them win world war ii. We have to give equal credit to our allies. Now, some would say we couldnt have done it by ourselves but the point is, people ask me why do i do this impression . And i think because the reason is that we need to tell the story about the eastern front, okay . If you dont understand what happened on the eastern front, you dont understand world war ii. The soviets made a significant contribution to winning that war. Now, f
Public about military subjects, ranging from the American Revolution to the war on terror. The theme this year was the 75th anniversary of dday. Next, on american artifacts, we visit an exhibit about world war ii soviet soldiers. My name is craig hall. I basically consider myself an amateur military historian. I do various impressions. This impression here today is to represent the contribution of the soviet union as an ally of the americans and the british, to helping them win world war ii. We have to give equal credit to our allies. Some would say, we couldnt have done it by ourselves, but the point is and people asked me why do i do this impression. I think because the reason is that we need to tell the story about the eastern front. If you dont understand what happened on the eastern front, you dont understand world war ii. The soviets made a significant contribution to winning that w ar. Now, for example, what i normally do is, on my display on the table over here, i have a Nation
My name is craig hall. I basically consider myself an amateur military historian. I do various impressions. This impression here today is to represent the contribution of the soviet union as an ally of the americans and the british, to helping them win world war ii. We have to give equal credit to our allies. Some would say, we couldnt have done it by ourselves, but the point is and people asked me why do i do this impression. I think because the reason is that we need to tell the story about the eastern front. If you dont understand what happened on the eastern front, you dont understand world war ii. The soviets made a significant contribution to winning that war. Now, for example, what i normally do is, on my display on the table over here, i have a National Geographic magazine dated may, 1944. The first article in it has to do with the liberation of the ukraine. The point being, the significance of that is that, of course, one month later, we had dday. And the point the relationshi
Next on American History tv, historians present talks on two aspects of what the soviets aspects of the operation. Ready toow getting hand the stage over to an associate professor in the department of history at the university of windsor in canada. We met rob last year when he came down for our 2018 conference as an attendee. We are delighted to have him back with us to moderate our first session of the day. Without delay, dr. Nelson. [applause] good morning. Bout. E to the heavyweight these three major fronts for those of us, he saved the biggest one for last. Operation, one of the greatest, the most significant with a name that none of us can pronounce. I dont speak russian. I can say it in french way. Then there is the funny, easy pneumonic device. Operation bag of rations. Can kind of spell it out along the way. Words spelling out the with the emphasis on the final syllable. About the Eastern Front and how significant it is, difficult to bring the numbers and figures and the size o
Museum of the Civil War Soldier located near petersburg, virginia. He previously served as the first president of the association for the preservation of civil war sites from 1990 to 1994, an early version of what today we know as the American Battlefield trust. Hes also spent time as a historian including local fredericksburg in spotsylvania. Hes also served in other capacities. Dedicated researcher, a prolific writer, he has published more than 20 works on the civil war, on stonewall jackson, st. Petersburg, virginia, 1861 to 1865, and my favorite, the final battles of the petersburg campaign. His latest book, a campaign of giant is certainly a mustread a campaign of giants is certainly a must read for all civil war enthusiasts. I was fortunate enough to have an opportunity to do the maps for buck. I said, you know what . Youre doing good work and he gave me an opportunity to showcase that so that im most grateful. Will is certainly a historian that we all look up to but hes not just