The Health Ministry’s covid19 update for April 18 said the rolling seven-day average of new positive cases was 13, as opposed to 14 in the previous week. The rolling seven-day average of deaths was less than one, while the previous week’s average was one. There were 93 new cases detected between March 12 and 20,
On Wednesday, Justice Frank Seepersad ruled on an application for summary judgment filed on behalf of Dr Aleena Ishmael, of Bamboo Settlement No 2, Valsayn South, against her next-door neighbours, Navin Birbal and Sati Ramnarine.
The Health Ministry’s covid19 update for March 7 said the rolling seven-day average of new cases was 89, as opposed to 80 in the previous week. The rolling seven-day average of deaths remains at one. There were 622 new cases detected between March 1 and 7, with eight deaths being reported. These patients were four
Eight people have died from covid19 between last week January 2 and Tuesday, bringing the total number of deaths linked to the virus to 4,297. The Ministry of Health's 4 pm update on Tuesday said the deceased were four elderly males and four elderly females, all with multiple co-morbidities. It said the seven-day rolling average