A List Of The Top Ten (10) Agricultural Commodity ETFs (DBA, JJG, JJA, SGG, BAL, RJA)
David Fry: Our goal in this profile is to help investors wade through the many competing ETF offerings available. Using our long experience as an ETF publication, and nearly 40 years in the investment business, we can help select those ETFs that matter and may or may not be repetitive. The result is a more manageable list of issues from which to view and make selections.
With inflation pressures waxing and waning many believe it’s important to have exposure to direct agricultural commodities. Why? Because commodity markets often feature noncorrelated performance with conventional portfolios. Further when prices of foodstuffs are rising it makes sense to be able to profit or even hedge from these negative events. This naturally would include other commodity ETF/ETN products that have come to market directed toward metals, energies and currencies. We’ve cobbled some good choices together and