"Suffer a witch." Planet Weird has unveiled an official trailer for a chilling new documentary feature titled The Unbinding, a horrifying journey into the forests of New York. It's produced by Greg & Dana Newkirk, the duo behind a paranormal researchers channel called "Planet Weird" - the intro states "Greg & Dana have traversed North
A tiny Catskills resort town that's at the center of a federal voter fraud investigation will have to wait to learn the results of its Tuesday election.
concerns with this storm is that the heavy wet snow that will eventually accumulate will bring down power lines, bring down trees as well. so the potential for power outages because the wind is going to pick up. i just looked at some of the graphics here closely. i want you to see just how close that rain/snow line is. you see it s rain in boston. very light drizzle in new york. but just on the interior, berkshire into the catskills it is snowing hard, but it is a heavy, wet snowfall. so these salt trucks at the salt barn here in worchester are going to make all the difference for the roadways as the temperatures drop, the snow starts to form. in fact, i want my camera man to pan around to this light here. these are the first snow flakes that we have seen from this nor easter. so the change is happening. and we re going to start seeing things more of a winter wonderland here in the hours to come as this nor easter takes grip on the northeast. derek van dam, worchester mass. we ll see