Was not bank robbery. A woman droeb up to use the atm outside of the wells fargo behind me and she saw a man pacing, acting very agitated with a gun clearly visible. She calls 911 and thats when officers responded. The officers recognized the man. They say he was well known in the redwood city area, they had been ware of him since he was 8 years old, so they started engaging him in conversation, talking to hum, trying to get him to drop the gun but he refused and after multiple minutes witnesses say this happened next. The gentleman wasnt complying with the officers demand, so it seemed to me he pulled something out of his sweater at which point the officers started firing their weapons and wounding the gentleman. He fell to the ground. Reporter and the interim police chief say he didnt just pull the gun out of his sweater. H fired in the officers direction. None of the officers were hit. The suspect is a 30yearold hispanic man who lived in redwood city. He had been in and out of jail