she was aiming directly for the hole. invariably she got it in. phenomenal. remembering the golfer cathy whitworth who has died at the age of 83. about three billion litres of water are lost every day through leaks in england and wales, according to the latest figures from the industry regulator. now to help tackle the problem, scientists have developed miniature robots that crawl through pipes to patrol our water supply network. 0ur science correspondent, victoria gill, reports. the water company here in essex has detected a leak, but to find its location and fix it, they will need to dig through a complex maze of pipes. basically, we have a nine inch cast iron water main that runs down the whole street. we ve got a leak, but the sewer is sitting on top of our main and we ve also got a gas pipe in the top of the hole, and we have electric over the back of the hole, which makes it very difficult for us. this team have been digging on this site, investigating, forfour days
Westside Colorado Springs resident Hailey Radvillas was inspired by other food pantries across the country to open her own. She and her husband put a set of drawers from a
Westside Colorado Springs resident Hailey Radvillas was inspired by other food pantries across the country to open her own. She and her husband put a set of drawers from a
Westside Colorado Springs resident Hailey Radvillas was inspired by other food pantries across the country to open her own. She and her husband put a set of drawers from a
Westside Colorado Springs resident Hailey Radvillas was inspired by other food pantries across the country to open her own. She and her husband put a set of drawers from a