Cardinal John Oniyekan, Bishop Matthew Hassan-Kukah of Sokoto, and tele-evangelist Pastor Chris Oyakhilo among those receiving the “100 Most Notable Peace Icons in Africa” award
New Threats To Press Freedom, By Gloria Mabeiam Ballason
When all is said and done, principles matter.
Every threat provides an opportunity and when the most is made of the opportunity, it produces a desired outcome. The new or subsisting threats to the media can largely be surmounted by the basic codes and canons of journalism like courage, truthfulness, accuracy, objectivity, impartiality, fairness, social justice and public accountability. I would, to those codes, add consistency in upholding values.
Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Article 10 of the Human Rights Act, and Section 39 of the 1999 Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria confer on humans the right to freedom of opinion, expression, the press, and the right to receive and impart information and ideas, without interference by the public authority and regardless of frontiers. This is a qualified right, which enables anyone to hold free opinion and express them verbally, i