Dr. Rodrigo Silva ("ecumenical" Brazilian Seventh-day Adventist and former Catholic) obtained a doctorate in Biblical Theology from the Pontifical Faculty I interact in great depth with a video presentation from Dr. Rodrigo Silva, a Brazilian Seventh-day Adventist, regarding the many strong NT evidences for the papacy.
Lucas Banzoli is a very active Brazilian anti-Catholic theological writer, who denies that Jesus is immutable in His Divine Nature. In other words, 1 Timothy 3:15 proves that the Church = foundation of the truth, and is infallible and indefectible (also disproving sola Scriptura). Banzoli futilely ignores it.
An article in Haaretz: "Two 3,800-year-old Cuneiform Tablets Found in Iraq Give First Glimpse of Hebrew Precursor" (Ofer Aderet, 1-20-23), describes a We now have striking direct evidence of a proto-Hebrew language dating from 1800 BC: "a spoken language that was very close to Hebrew" in Abraham's time!
Toi Staff reported on this exciting archaeological discovery in The Times of Israel: "Archaeologist: Thick wall found at Lachish indicates King Solomon’s In 2019, archaeologists discovered King Rehoboam's wall in Lachish in Israel, dated to c. 920 BC in a "fortified city": precisely the place & period described in the Bible.
George Haddad reports on this new discovery in his article, "Period Ivories Discovered in the City of David" (Armstrong Institute of Biblical Archaeology, A large collection of Solomon's Temple-period ivory has been found in the ancient City of David archaeological site, right near the original temple in Jerusalem.