your suborn it will call you only because of their own sense of duty for your coercive power. the most effective the unit historic plea have been those led by leaders of positive character. historic leaders that lead with positive character. does this inspire confidence? is he a leader we can choose in a crisis? the answers are painfully obvious. we must be like the man from pennsylvania. we must use the power to communicate and hold our leaders accountable. we must educate america. we must take america back. thank you very much. . . after the 2008 election, our friends on the left had some helpful advice for us. move to the left. it was similar to the advice after goldwater lost, after clinton won in 1992. the other team cheerfully advises us to stop talking about taxes, nobody cares about taxes and more. that reminds me of the scene late in committee were the bad guys as to the heroine, put down a gun and we will talk. [laughter] and that the hair and if the hero is a