Black students are underrepresented at a majority of Canada’s 24 law schools, according to a new report by the Black Law Students' Association of Canada.
March 12, 2021
Speakers include John Valery White, law professor at University of Nevada at Las Vegas (UNLV) and chair-elect of the LSAC Board of Trustees; Jason Barnwell, assistant general counsel at Microsoft; Wayne Camara, distinguished research scientist for LSAC; and Jennifer Leonard, chief innovation officer and executive director of the Future of the Profession Initiative at the University of Pennsylvania Law School.
The event is free and open to the public. Register at the following link:
The event features moderated panel discussions on the pandemic’s lasting impact on the delivery of legal education, legal services and assessments, and its disruption of the pipeline to law school, as well as workshops focusing on each of these impacts and potential ways to address them. The symposium will include workshops focusing on each of these impacts and potential ways to address them and an opportunity for participants