Eventbrite - Science Gallery Melbourne presents Many Ends Now Try Again Life (What is MENTAL anyway?) - Wednesday, 9 March 2022 at Black Box Theatre, Science Gallery Melbourne, Carlton, VIC. Find event and ticket information.
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New exhibition to explore mental health perspectives at Science Gallery Melbourne
Interactive artwork Mirror Ritual by Nina Rajcic and SensiLab augments a mirror with AI to foster both literal and metaphoric reflection. Image: John McCormack
Opening on 15 June, MENTAL: Head Inside, the first exhibition to be presented at Science Gallery Melbourne’s new purpose-built gallery, will reflect a range of different perspectives on mental health.
In the exhibition, science, technology and art come together to showcase stories and experiences from across the mental health spectrum.
It will feature over twenty projects from local and international artists and research collaborators, each challenging societal stereotypes surrounding mental health and reflecting different ways of being, surviving and connecting in the world.