once all is said and done, one world trade will stand at 1776 feet with its antenna and it refers to when the declaration of independence was ratified. again, a bill ceremony later today with so many people who have been watching this go up for many, many years now. back to you. nbc s catherine craig reporting for us. that s going to wrap things up for me this hour. i m going to see you back here tomorrow 181:00 a.m. eastern time. until then follow me on. now with alex wagner is coming up next. hello, happy monday to you, thomas. lots of new things this week. new strategies coming from the campaigns. will the tweaks help in november or just muddle the message? and case you ve been asleep for the last 48 hours, president obama told some jokes over the weekend. we will discusses the best lines from our comic in chief and discuss mitt romney, merry