Lindsy Manceaux talks to a passing customer as she wipes down tables Friday afternoon outside of Louisiana Lindsy s Cajun Provisions in downtown Steamboat Springs. (Photo by John F. Russell)
STEAMBOAT SPRINGS After more than a year of masks, social distancing and shifting every aspect of life, the Routt County Board of Health on Friday expressed optimism and voted on a revised public health order that could return the county to complete normalcy meaning a life without masks, social distancing and public health orders by June 2.
Under the guidance of public health officials and Routt County Attorney Eric Knaus, the Board of Health voted Friday to adopt a revised, less restrictive public health order
Emi Cooper, a Steamboat Springs High School senior
STEAMBOAT SPRINGS Emi Cooper was excited to receive a text from the mother of Rep. Dylan Roberts telling her she received the Colorado Democrats Murphy Roberts Award an award issued to a Democrat younger than 25 years old that has shown commitment and dedication to the values of the Colorado Democratic Party.
“It’s really nice to have recognition for work,” Cooper said.
Cooper, a senior at Steamboat Springs High School, helped organize several movements for climate change action for youth in Routt County, which is why she won the award.
“Our generation is going to be the ones who face the consequences of climate change,” Cooper said. “The best way to combat that is by getting people my age involved in politics.”