the democrats said we had a war on caterpillars and every mainstream media outlet talked about the fact that republicans have a war on cater pi er pierp we d have a problem with caterpill caterpillars. talking about the war on women. and i think this is such an interesting story that s developed. the background is that republicans do poorly with women in national elections. mccain lost by 13 or 14 points among women. they need to do better in order to win a national election. and then there s a series of discreet moments, the komen foundation, the planned parenthood thing. the aca regulatory issuing that said that birth control had to be issued even among religious employers. and rush limbaugh and ultrasound. and all of this is sort of, i
waging a war on women. i know you don t agree with that. but looking at the polls, you have a gender gap problem. recent polls show a huge, huge margin for democrats among women voters. how big a problem is it, and how do you close it? well, for one thing, you know, if the democrats said we had a war on caterpillars, and every mainstream media outlet talked about the fact that the republicans have a war on caterpill caterpillars, then we d have a problem with caterpillars. the fact of the matter is it s a fiction. ok. welcome back to morning joe. live from washington. andrea mitchell is still with us. and joining the table, we have pulitzer prize winner associate editor of the washington post bob woodward, and nbc news chief white house correspondent and host of the daily rundown chuck todd. it is good friday. but another big holiday today. another big event. andrea mitchell, allan green span celebrating their 15th wedding anniversary. you blew my cover.