Young people at Holy Family Mission in Counter Waterford, Ireland. / Credit: Courtney Mares/CNACNA Staff, Mar 15, 2023 / 13:42 pm (CNA).A new gap year program gives young people the opportunity to spend one year living in Ireland in an intentional Catholic community with daily Mass, eucharistic adoration, and faith formation.Located in the rolling green hills of County Waterford, the Holy Family Mission program is seen by many local Catholics as a ray of hope for the Church in Ireland. "This idea of having a place where you can get to know yourself better, get to know the Lord better, and then really face life as a more confident, well-rounded, mature, faithful person is a great gift," Bishop Alphonsus Cullinan of Waterford told CNA."I wonder how many young people wander into college without really knowing what they want, and then get distracted with all kinds of things," he said.The nine-month "gap year" is for people aged 18-30 who desire
When Ana Luisa Martinez de Carrillo visited the hair salon for her regular trim, she wasn’t expecting to be introduced to a faith-based program that would change her life.