Everything he does. Felt his wrath. He called politico losers after publishing their article. In some polls hes not number one anymore. Youre seeing the voters starting to Pay Attention to the other candidates and what theyre saying. This is a natural progression of how a lot of campaigns go. Did you see that debate . You had a few peopl plapped. Then they looked at the person like them and theyre like, they watched it. So im close. Thats good enough for me. 14 Million People tuned in to cnbc last night compared to foxo 24 million viewers. Jimmy kimmel made a statement about people lying about o cf1o watching whennthey asked pedestrians what they thought about the debate hours before it even taped. How do you think trrmp looked with bangs last night . Was that cute . He bangsswere cute. Tell meeabout what was going thrrugh your mind when you saw his toupee slipping a littlee bit . I was like oh, gosh. After the debate, Hillary Clinton tweeted out this and today the democratic debate is