regime and the frustration of the world s failed diplomacy. we begin with the obama campaign s effort to change the subject and refocus the presidential campaign on mitt romney s business record. team obama buying tv time during the evening news in five battle ground states. wednesday night voter in colorado, ohio, pennsylvania and virginia will see this tv ad attacking the private record at the equity firm bain capital. we view mitt romney as a job destroyer. to get up on national tv and brag about making jobs when he has destroyed thousands of people s careers, lifetimes, just destroying people. he is running for president and if he is going to run the country the way he ran our business, i wouldn t want him there. he would be so out of touch with the average person in this country. our chief white house correspondent jessica yellowen is traveling with the president and the goal is obvious, defining him as greedy, cold and heartless. why is that such an urgent oba