they probably never even realized something that was amiss. and then they were gone. and for me, when we were at sea, that s what we wanted if we were going to go down. sitting on the bottom for five days, slowly asphyxiating yourself and dying of carbon dioxide poisoning? that is much, much worse. josh, what do you say? i echo that, i certainly do think that it is starting to look like a massive, catastrophic failure that happen on the way down. and if that is the case, then it would have happened extremely quickly. the kind of pressure that we are talking about here is monumental. and look, personally i know you two of the passengers aboard. i knew stockton rush and i new hamish harding from the explorers club. this is such a situation. and as i said a few times,
yourself and dying of carbon dioxide poisoning? that is much, much worse. josh, what do you say? i echo that, i certainly do think that it is starting to look like a massive, catastrophic failure that happen on the way down. and if that is the case, then it would have happened extremely quickly. the kind of pressure that we are talking about here is monumental. and look, personally i know two of the passengers aboard. i knew stockton rush and i knew the hardening from the explorers club. this is such a situation. and as i said a few times, already today, i really do have a great amount of admiration for the passengers aboard. as anyone who has been in a submersible can tell you, it takes a lot of courage, a lot of the trepidation. whether it is on titan or any other platform. as a civilian to go down and go to the steps, and take on a mission like this. so my heart really breaks for them, and for their families.
that joint is subject to failure. one of the early briefings they talked about the landing frame. that almost immediately tells me there s some compromisation of the integrity of the hull leading to the implosion. all right. rick murcar, thank you so much. appreciate your time today. what could the recovery effort for the titan debris look like and will any of it be pulled up to the surface? that s next. the whole prococess was really simple and easy, anand this is my third time selling to carvana. so i can practically do it from memory nowow. you just enter your license plate or your vin,n, answer a few questions. boom, you get a real offer. true story. it s still shocking how easy it was to sell my car to carvana. sell your car to carvana today. pets are raw. raw curiosity. raw love. raw energy. no dog ever thought, “at if someone sees me like this?”