Based on Washington’s record of health policymaking, ending or rolling back Obamacare is anything but implausible. Now that President Barack Obama has signed the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act and the Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act, much of the focus of the nation’s ongoing health care debate will center on the impact of Obamacare’s provisions on businesses and employment-based health insurance, as well as the contribution of new taxation and regulation to the rising cost of health insurance premiums and the intrusive regulatory changes that will be imposed by the Secretary of Health and Human Services on state health insurance markets. One of the routinely stated objectives of the Obama health policy agenda was to get health care costs under control; it doesn’t. Moreover, official Washington’s obsession with controlling, defining, regulating, and restricting private-sector health insurance options overlooks the obvious: Real cost control begins with
canadians. tucker: so there s an effort online in canada to raise money for the family of christopher speer, tabitha speer. but also for the other soldier. . you have to understand is that this is not a partisan political issue, this is something that people who actually voted for this government are saying i m not comfortable with. you have to understand that canada values the relationships that we have in terms of our men and women in uniform serving shoulder to shoulder with each other. i think there s a lot of people going how did this happen and why? is a question for our prime minister to answer. tucker: why wouldn t he call the widow of christopher speer? again, i m sure that something he should answer for, but i know that our former prime minister stephen harper has reached out to her. i can t imagine being her right now and listening to all of this coverage and having to have
tell me with the chief aim of this bill is. is it to improve health outcomes, to control prices, or to expand coverage? sticking to the principles of health care, making it affordable and accessible of the highest quality and providing choices for patients. protects patients, provides more choices, lowers costs and it strengthens medicaid. that s it in a nutshell. tucker: but you didn t add to that expanded coverage? coverage comes when people have something that they want to purchase. coverage doesn t come when washington tells you what to buy. the way that you get people to get health coverage and that you provide them with a product that they actually want. if that s purpose of this bill is. tucker: i don t know the answer to this because i haven t seen the polling, but is there evidence that people in the last election voted to replace democratic leadership with donald trump because they wanted more choices? and health care? they certainly wanted obamacare to go away. t
actually about 50% now that we are debating. they wanted to go away and it s important to know why. they want to go away because prices are up, choices are down, folks don t have the kind of coverage they want. they may have a card but they don t have care because they can afford the deductible. there are all sorts of an array of things that are wrong with obamacare, with the aca and that s what we re trying to fix. it s not just through this bill, that s what s important for people to appreciate as well. if it s an isolated activity, it s an important one. it s vital to have it but it s only one isolated activity that s going in place with his administration to make it tucker: i think it s worth paying attention to. how would trump voters be affected by? west virginia for example, 68% of west virginia voted for donald trump. about 30% of the whole state is on medicaid. this legislation i think would reduce payments, i think that s fair to say. how would they fare under this.