presidential as separations, he has to get some reform in the next four years and try to get a vibrant economy going. dorothy, what do you make of his tenure and his re-election campaign? well, his re-election campaign, he s going to win big. he is the head of a victimized state, it s catastrophe hit. hurricane sandy. this is going to elevate his standing in many ways. i look at him now, on the stump, and i see the future of the political run. he has not only not lost any of his magic powers, he has gained. he has these moments of reagan-esque brilliance. on a debate somewhere some somebody asks is opponent to say something nice about the governor. she says some sleazy cheap
dirty tricks ever since his website published documents from the afghanistan war. a catastrophe hit, affecting 450,000 residents to flee. the worst flooding in decade affected, killing more than 1500 people and leaving at least 6 million homeless. meanwhile, in an interview with a pakistan television station, secretary of state, hillary clinton says this extreme weather is a seen that climate change is getting worse. new federal regulations go into effect today for credit card companies and the rules stem from the federal credit card accountability and responsibility and disclosure act signed into law last year. companies will now be banned from charging you penalty fees that are larger than your violations. issuers will also no longer be able to charge you inactivity fee for not using your credit card. and if a credit card company raises your interest rate, it will have to tell you why.