seventy s the band members even started having robot doubles on stage in their place hooter sent his electronic alter ego to a t.v. interview. there s a concept a scowl concept is called back machine and the man machine. means we play the machines and they play us. countless musicians are indebted to profits pioneering style says world famous berlin d.j. paul. built the foundations for electronic music they will for craftsmen who put together the first electronic synthesizers in a way that allowed creativity you have to respect that. sold millions of records over the decades and in two thousand and nine they remakes their most important albums for the catalogue collection. these records have
that sold millions of records over the decades and in two thousand and nine they remakes their most important albums for the catalogue collection. these records have actually attracted a worldwide audience because of the songwriting because of the beats and because of the way they make people dance. over the years have been showered with acclaim and accolades among the honors a grammy for lifetime achievement in twenty fourteen the award organizers said the group are revolutionary and clearly ahead of their time. this year. the band themselves love cycling and will mark the event with a live open air performance of their tour de france soundtrack album here s one of the highlights.