error. there is a chance that this cyclone, that this hurricane goes out to sea and doesn t hit anybody. now, that doesn t mean we re completely safe because it is a powerful storm, it may get close enough to florida where we could be talking about significant coastal flooding. look at this coastline here, it s like a catcher s mitt. the good thing is about this hurricane, those cat traffic winds, the hurricane force winds would be 74 or above only extend 35 miles. so about 30 to 35 miles. so if this is 30 to 35 miles east of florida, we re in had the clear as far as the catastrophic winds that would impact the entire shoreline but we could be buffetted by tropical storm force winds. but this is looking better and better for florida, which usually means it s looking less good for the carolinas. look at that cone and how huge it is and absolutely this thing