now i don t know if you re into watching presidential debates, whether republican or democratic but i get a different feeling from the media when it comes to critiquing the debates. many examples i could use. i want to use this one about the new york times quick headline reaction to the democratic debate this week. the grownups take the stage at the democratic debate. this is what the same newspaper had to quickly summarize about the last republican debate. rivals hit trump as g.o.p. debate becomes testy. i can go on and on, flower guying hillary clinton. i i saw no such praise of any republicans for the likes of marco rubeee but it was a cat call of comedy. molly, doesn t seem right.
once someone turns 21, everything is dropped. the support services are gone. consultation with parents, disappears. in fact, they might have stopped telling the mother anything when he turned 17 or 18 or so. and that s when the problems or hippa laws end. she would not have known. health privacy laws. would not have learned about than she could not have inquired about that. and worse yet, a doctor would not have been able to call her and say, can you tell me, i want to know about some other things about him. does he have any fascinations with morbid or dark websites? a doctor say 24-year-old and a psychologist or psychiatrist concerned about this person, he cannot call the mom? he can t call. hippa laws prevent that unless gives approval. say he was not in treatment, completely blind, but if he was in treatment, unless the person gives you specific permission you can go unless you have an elevated concern for risk. you believe that there s a direct threat, if there s a
social media because that s where the inspiration is happening in a lot of cases. what we need to do is stop it at the source in iraq and syria and hit them harder. one thing that almost every person who runs this country has in common they are all secular looking at the world from a secular point of view. especially obama people, they don t understand why someone would do something like this because they don t understand religion. right? i mean, that s why they don t call they don t get it. isis clearly states, exactly what the reasoning is. so, until you start paying attention to it, how are you going to stop it? much more on, this a couple of experts coming up here on the show as these details keep pouring in about this shooter down there in tennessee. it keeps evolving. 8 minutes after the hour. other head lines this saturday. video showing wild brush fire blowing across cajon pass. flames lighting dozens of trucks and cars on fire. two people getting minor burns.
jinkster. jinkster. meow. jinkster. i don t know what that means but i got it from an old tarzan movie and elephants stampeded. well, when i holler it to him, his little fat ass stampedes, too. jinkster. he s there, jim. then when i give the old cat call he starts purring and stuff. what s up, little buddy? talk to papa. [ purring ] yeah, good boy. dad all right? he got his tail going 90 miles per hour. you can hear him purring real loud into it. so he might have forgot who i am but he knows the call. well, tell everyone i said hello. okay, honey. love you. love you jimbo. you all be good. okay.
she probably has headphones on. you know what is sad? that s how i call my cat. does that make you want to start cat calling? no. first of all i won t tell you why. i don t know why i said that. i can t believe this guy has to cat call to get women s attention. i would like to think they are throwing themselves at him left and right. i believe there is a 48% chance that it is fake. he said it is better if they are far away because they are not that scared. shouldn t that be a sign you are doing something wrong like the further away they are from you the less scared they are? i just think, jim, you get more women with honey than with vinegar. does this type of cat calling make you gnaw