Bollywood star Aamir Khan and her daughter Ira Khan were seen donning casual outfits ahead of the wedding. Nupur Shikare and Ira Khan are set to tie the knot on January 3, 2024. - Ira Khan-Nupur Shikare Wedding: Bride And Her Father Aamir Khan Spotted in Casual Looks a Day Before Nuptials
Ananya Panday’s basic soft dressing looks are something to look up to and get inspired by. Written By 5 Times Ananya Panday took up the soft dressing trend with extreme style
Soft dressing trend is basically dressing up in outfits that are casual, comfy and yet chic. Outfits that can be worn anytime, anywhere. Soft dressing is the perfect trend to follow this summer season since we all want to look chic but without having to put too much effort and without compromising on our comfort. This comfort dressing trend is creating a storm and Ananya Panday sure knows how to hop into it with utmost grace and charm. The millennial queen has managed to incorporate parts of her off-duty and at-home clothing into something that she chooses to go out in. Here, we have a list of five of our favourite Ananya Panday looks where she chose to put her comfort over everything else and still managed to look absolutely flawless.