daughter has never seen a doctor nor has any of the other three women. they haven t seen a medical professional in a decade. when the officers searched the house, we re told when they announced they were clooeld police michele jumped into the officers arms. also, michele knight, according to the police report, said that she s been pregnant at least five times. and that ariel castro was the father. when he found out about the pregnancies, he forced her to abort those pregnancies. michele telling police that he starved her at one point for at least a two-week period. repeatedly punched her in the stomach until she miscarried. at one point according to the police report, chris, michele actually michele knight helped deliver amanda s baby in the house in a plastic baby pool so it would be easier to clean up. again, all of that coming from the 12-page police report.
thank you. uh-huh. this concludes the media briefing. we d like to thank everyone for coming out and everyone have a nice day. so ariel castro has been charged here with four counts of kidnapping, three counts of rape. of course, also the kidnapping involves the three women and what could be the daughter of one of those. it s not clear yet. they re doing a dna test. so this is where it is. the interesting development today, of course, was of the three brothers that were picked up the other day and arrested, formally arrested, only one is being charged. he s the owner of that location, that house where those three women were being held all these ten years. there s so many open questions. one of the developments today was they found the house in disarray. he denies any evidence in the police record books there was ever any complaints by neighbors anywhere along the line. no evidence anyone ever raised concerns about the situation in that house. any evidence that anyone ever raise
officer brian to come on over. i just thought about something the other day. something strange about it. they didn t have that kind of ongoing conversation between the community and the police force. that is going to look like it. this is what it looks like. that s the police were not involved in that community. the community was not confident in addressing the police. what seemed to be as we re talking about it common sense suspicions. well, the community s going to have a memory, too, chris. they re going to remember back in 2009 where this guy by the name of anthony sowell had 11 different women in his house in cleveland and methodically brought these women into the house, murdered them, kept the bodies in the house. neighbors were calling the police and saying it smells like there s dead bodies in there. and it took nine deaths or 11 deaths to finally get the police to act to get somebody to come and do something like that. you know, again, as we started out talking, it could b
fault. but they still got some explaining to do. somebody s beat. anyway, neighbors say there were warning signs of trouble at the castro house there. let s take a look. nbc news national investigative correspondent jeff rosen spoke to two of the neighbors with their own disturbing stories. reporter: this man lives just a few doors down. he told us in 2011 his sister saw a woman holding a child in the house. and banging on the window for help. i called the cops. 20, 30 minutes around the cops pulled up. they pounded a good 20 times. they was there five, eight minutes. no answer. they shine the light inside the driveway. see the windows are boarded up. got back inside the squad car and left. reporter: that was it? that was it. reporter: last july another neighbor noticed another disturbing sight there. my granddaughter told me about the naked lady crawling on her hands and knees back there in the backyard. reporter: she says she called the police but they never came. tue
news perhaps out of that entire news conference and i use good for lack of a better adjective, the fact that there does not seem to be any other victims out there right now. they think that they got him. great reporting. great reporting. craig melvin, thank you for joining us from cleveland ohio. let me go now to clint van zandt and follow what clint is good at, missing patterns. the manipulation of these women, their friendships to try to give them comfort to, give them a free ride, something right up front, and then, of course, to be able to get them into that house and keep them there for a decade each and keep them in their separate ways alive, healthy, and useful to him and whatever his purposes were. by the way, why would he want three? would he want more? what s this tell you about his profile?