THROUGHOUT the ‘60’s, ‘70’s and ‘80’s the stage in Castlemitchell Hall reverberated to the sound of actors and musicians treading the boards and entertaining…
All I Want For Christmas: What well-known Kildare faces want to find under the tree
Festive wishlists for 2020 );
JOHN FORDE, aka The Piano Man, is a musician and performer from Naas
What local gift would you like to find under the tree this year?
A gift voucher for Butt Mullins or Vie De Chateaux would be nice, followed by a few creamy pints in Tommy Fletchers!
Where will you be shopping locally this Christmas?
I just love the Main Street in Naas and it’s back to its best with Dunnes Stores and many new shops. The atmosphere is great with the lights, the Christmas tree at the town hall, and all the local shops and staff. You’ll always bump into someone you know.