The words “community” and “conservation” are two of my favorites in the English language. Individually, they represent many of the values that I (and I suspect many of you) hold dear: social engagement, interconnectedness, shared.
Summertime means summer camps, be it a day camp in the Vail Valley or a sleep-away camp several states away. Camp memories last a lifetime, but for some kids with serious illnesses, dreams of camp.
There are several fundraisers around Eagle County. Some require black tie attire, while others, like Roundup River Ranch’s (No Hands) Spaghetti Dinner, let you get down and dirty at dinnertime. The (No Hands) Spaghetti Dinner.
Vail and the surrounding valley have long catered to the well-heeled. But a few properties attract the really, really well-off. A couple of those properties have recently sent news of their availability. Near Edwards, the.