Maratha quota News update, Manoj Jarange News, Maharashtra News updates: Manoj Jarange said he would wait and see if the state government converts its draft notification on 'blood relatives' of Kunbi Marathas into law and then decide on the course of his agitation.
The Nitish Kumar government on Wednesday asked the Centre to include two recently amended laws, which increase the caste-based quota in Bihar from 50% to 65%, in the ninth schedule of the Constitution. | Latest News India
The proposal, however, may well end up before the courts since it breaches the 50% cap fixed by the Supreme Court in the 1992 Indra Sawhney case. | Latest News India
It is a travesty that for the first time in India, the groups that have the highest proportion of below poverty line individuals are excluded from the Economically Weaker Section reservation that is, in principle, meant to target economic deprivation regardless of caste, says economist Ashwini Deshpande