Family of ST man murdered by caste Hindus in Tamil Nadu alleges police collusion with accused. Scheduled Tribe man Senkottai (55) was killed in Udumalpet. Family claims perpetrators are trying to bribe them to drop the case. Activist alleges police siding with accused and failing to procure video evidence.
According to the police, the Dalit (Mala) youth Sairam married Bhargavi, a Reddy woman from Botlapalem village in Darsi, on March 1. The couple have been in hiding since then. Following this, Bhargavi’s father Gangireddy Brahma Reddy (52) lodged a missing person complaint with the Darsi police on March 2. However, Bhargavi approached the police on the same day and sought
Hari Prasad, a student of Government High School in Kalugumalai, was subjected to casteist harassment at school when he tried to defuse a fight between two students and was later attacked by a gang in his hometown.