board, cast iron kettle and a new set of horseshoes, you go, joe. remember, joe 3030. brian: 30330. it s important talk about buying and kid around about record player. one thing that did work that was effective closing play where you put a record look like a suitcase and you can walk around with that record playing which defies logic that was an era in which we landed on the moon. we could do everything. we were able to walk around with a record playing while we went around our day. ainsley: that was jam box. brian: it was the head of its time. steve: it was a toy. just for kids. brian: no kids used it? ainsley: they mocked people. maybe not the smartest thing to say if you want to appeal to a younger audience. brian: we will see. steve: that s part of his authentic nature. to him people listen to the radio, they watch the television and they have a record player. i wouldn t be surprised if he has a record player in at