Veterans Appreciation Dinner The East Liverpool Elks Lodge 258 Veterans Committee will be hosting a Veterans Appreciation steak/chicken salad dinner Nov. 7 fo
Choose To Lose Group met at Boyce Church on July 18 with Treasurer Cassy Stephens presiding. The meeting opened up with the Pledge of Allegiance followed b
Choose To Lose Group Choose To Lose Group met at Boyce Church on July 18 with Treasurer Cassy Stephens presiding. The meeting opened up with the Pledge o
Annual rummage sale The First Christian Church CWF will be holding its annual Rummage Sale and Bake Sale from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Friday and 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Sat
Choose To Lose Group met at Boyce Church May 2 with Secretary Pam Fouse presiding. The meeting opened up with the Pledge of Allegiance followed by the CTLG r