EASTHAMPTON The city has launched a survey to gain insight about the experience residents and business owners have related to energy usage.The survey, available at https://tinyurl.com/EasthamptonCAPSurvey, is one of several outreach methods.
EASTHAMPTON The city has partnered with a Somerville electric vehicle technology company to help convert its fleet of municipal vehicles from gas to electric over the next decade, an initiative that will also involveĀ helping employees navigate the.
EASTHAMPTON Easthampton is embarking on its first-ever, far-reaching climate action plan that officials believe will help the city tackle the looming effects of climate change and, in the long run, achieve a cleaner, net-zero carbon-emitting.
EASTHAMPTON The public on Tuesday night had its initial chance to weigh in on plans for a massive multimillion-dollar redevelopment of the old Tasty Top site that could dramatically alter the Route 10 corridor in the city.Though some residents.
GREENFIELD Looking to decrease disturbances to the vernal pool in Highland Park that might adversely affect the wood frog and spotted salamander populations, members of Greening Greenfield recently installed informational signs. Two years ago,.